Post-Frame Construction & Installation
Strength and Durability Beyond Other Post-Frame Construction Methods at Less Cost
Looking to start a new building project? Our knowledgeable staff will help you choose the right kind of building or wood frame building to fit your needs and budget.
The Principles of Post-Frame Construction
For decades now post-frame construction has proven itself. It has proven to be durable and very versatile just like you would find in other types of construction. We know that post-frame construction is cost-effective and goes up faster than other methods and for that reason alone it should be on top of any frame building design.
With its roots in the agricultural market, the post-frame is now the construction method of choice for a number of commercial, retail, residential, religious, industrial, and public building needs.

Flexibility of Post-Frame Construction
We have a great amount of flexibility with post-frame buildings. Their designs offer attractive features such as overhangs, steeper roof pitch, porches, etc. Because their walls don’t require interior supporting walls, you have open space inside to configure the way you want. You also get a lot of flexibility when it comes to exterior walls as well. It doesn’t have to be steel. Almost any type of façade can be used like brick, blocks, vinyl, and wood siding.
Post-Frame Strength
Most people are surprised to learn that post-frame buildings have more strength than other building methods. There are a number of reasons for this:
- Columns in the ground add a lot of stability and wind resistance to a building.
- Horizontal connected posts from an extremely strong box that adds to the wind and seismic resistance.
- The direct attachment of trusses to post-frame buildings gives them virtually impossible for a roof to detach from the building.
- The Diaphragm effect that is created by the post-frame structure allows them to flex under extreme stress instead of cracking or collapsing like would happen with other structures.
Source: “The Post-Frame Advantage: It’s Long-Lasting and Resilient.” Frame Building News, January 2003.
Post-Frame Buildings:
Secor Post Frame Solutions constructs quality Post-Frame Buildings that serve as:
- Barns
- Garages
- Workshops
- Warehouses
- Pavilions
- Storage Facilities
- Offices
- Homes
- Showroom
- Hobby Shop
You Need A New Building, We Have The Experience
Contact us today and we’ll help you get the right building for your needs.